Your Host

Your Host

Whose I am is far more important than who I am.


What I'm not is a pastor, preacher, elder, teacher or counselor. Jesus Christ is whose I am. I serve Him and my prayer and hope is that you do as well.

Who I am then, if you must know, is a child of God, a Christ Follower. I am a sinner, forgiven by God.

My life has been long and blessed. I can’t say I have faithfully served the Lord my entire life. Even though I was raised in a Christian home, a parsonage actually, I chose often through my life to do my own thing, separated from God. I’m not proud of that, but I am thankful. Thankful, not for my sinful life, but that Christ, God's Son, loved me, and you also, enough to be the sacrifice for those sins. Just think about it; God sent His Son as a sacrifice for all of us. How many have you known who have done that?

I’ve advanced far enough in my life to truthfully say I am an elderly man; much greater than 70. Praise God He isn’t finished with me yet. He placed creating this website on my heart to provide my family, especially, and anyone else who wishes, tools to help them grow their Christian life. I am more aware daily how much He desires for me to spend more time in His Word, and more time in prayer. How I need to heed the words of His Holy Bible and apply them to my life and I encourage you to apply them fully to your life as well. As each day passes it becomes more apparent that Christ is the only answer to the ills of this world. As a Christ Follower we need to enrich our lives with His Word and be in prayer continually. Tough challenge perhaps but worth it in the end. So I am a sinner, saved by grace, who is praying that you will use the tools here in strengthening your walk with God with the wonderful promise of an eternity with Him (God) at the end of this journey. There is no better hope.

I prayerfully lift you to the Lord.