

Spending Time in God's Word

This website was created with the intent to help you establish a routine, or schedule, for spending time in God's Word, the Holy Bible. If you’re like me it is necessary to have something established or else the amount of time spent with the Lord quickly takes second place.

In today’s busy world it’s so easy for us to crowd out time spent with our Lord. When we do try to establish a routine it can become overwhelming with so many different devotionals, studies, books and versions of the Bible. If you’ve checked I’m sure you’ve found literally hundreds or thousands of apps, websites and books on the Bible, and clearly there are dozens of Bible versions out there. My intent is not to overwhelm you with reading and study but to give you some guidance.

This website provides you with a daily guide to help you begin your day. First and foremost, always begin your time with the Lord in prayer. This guide provides you with a scripture verse for today followed by a short thought on that passage of scripture. A daily quote gives you food for thought and finally scripture study and reading links. You certainly don’t need to attempt all of this at one sitting. The study could be saved for your lunch hour or early evening. I would suggest one of the scripture readings be completed in the morning and the other perhaps in the evening. Since this is a guide, it’s not intended to be a structured outline of tasks to be completed. Use it as you feel led or as needed.

Also provided on this website are recommendations for tools to help you with your time in His Word. Some you may find useful and some may not be for you. It is hoped these Bible tools will be beneficial to you. If you have comments or suggestions please contact us on our Reach Out page.

May God richly bless you as you draw closer to Him through time in prayer and study of His Word.